The “How” of the painting

People have never ceased to amaze me right from my childhood. If you check out, most of my previous blogs are also about people. As a kid i remember sitting in our balcony and watching-  the stylish akka returning from college; 2 boys fighting for their turn to ride the bicycle; the still- atheletic thaatha in his tracks & running shoes for his evening walk; the group of aunties chatting & laughing while taking their kids to the study center and so much more..

My college days were just filled with new people streaming in and out. But of course, by then my way of admiring people had become different- more of people reading & analyzing personalities, enchanted at how unique each one of us is. If I am to write about my college life, I can go on and on for bundles of diaries, so I am now saving it for the future.

And for a while after that, my circle of friends / work colleges was stagnant and the chances of getting to know new people became less.

The “Why” of it

Recently I got a chance to be amazed once again. It is not just one or two, but a whole bunch of 13 friends, who by core are completely different individuals, yet have found some unbreakable bond which stitches them together as one over the past 8 years. Any outsider would easily judge them as a bunch of college guys with similar interests who just hang out even after those days are over. But when perceived from inside you can see 13 different personalities within them, however one connecting factor. More than each one of them, the “gang” as a whole is like a sponge ready to absorb anyone within the vicinity and make them feel at home. Having witnessed this more in the recent times is the final straw that broke my feelings down to strokes on the canvas.

1. Laziness 2. Busy time schedule 3. Always putting my job priorities / household chores in front of my desires, however burning it might be, are some of the lame excuses I give myself for not touching the paint brush. May be something to really kindle my emotions and the absolute necessity to express myself in some form was needed to push me in once again after the long gap. This painting is about some of the recent realizations in life.

This is about “we, the people”. And this is the journey through it.

#W02_People Vs. Souls.jpg

Now lets come to “About” the painting

Timeline is the only sure thing that we know of, or so we think. Hence the whole story contained in the painting revolves around a linear time frame (the diagonal). The timeline has three significant milestones and several other major and minor incidents, with not only in reference to my life but also life in general for everyone, well, most of us atleast.


Origin & Destination –

We may have scientifically traced our origin to our parents but what happens before and after that, I would like to believe is a mystery, hence the infinite timeline. And birth, marks a notable place in our timeline. In my case it is carefully cased within a protective, gentle, cool nest & an early life. They form the backbone of the picture. (Blue -green being the origin & Yellow being our own self)


Whether I believe it or not, it is interesting to learn about soul mates completing each other and stuff. Scientifically it merely is the compatibility factor between each other. But world is not all about science is it? Whatever it is, my orange is the balancing/ counteracting/ completing/ counseling/ contradicting/ soul through almost the entire life. And along with it come other souls who at times play their own significant part and leave, or become a part of us, or teach us the reason they crossed our lives. This on its own is another soft curve but still could relate to all the colors so much, and easily has the capability to reach to the core. You can also see traces of this soulmate & other souls in the splash of colors.

Sight –

This is the most noteworthy bubble of anyone’s life. You find the whole purpose of your existence at this stage in life. The spiritual call it “Enlightenment”; The realists call it “Goal Achievement”; I call it “Sight”. It is like being gifted with the sight of colors to a color blind eye. For those who have started seeing colors, congratulations!! For those who are yet to, Good Luck, Keep looking for it!! But it will strike you for sure.

This is the gist of the art. Some of it is explained; some- left open to interpretation; Rest is a connection to the deepest of your soul, for you to find new meanings!! Keep your searching eye open, stay awake till the end and enjoy the roller coaster life has set for each one of us !!! Cheers !!



2 thoughts on “PEOPLE Vs. SOULS

    1. Dear Mavis,
      Thank you for commenting. The picture is one of my paintings and the post explains its purpose and the story behind its creation. Which part of the write-up or painting would you need more elaborated?


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